This business is closed. However, if you have any questions, need any help or advice, call Matilde: 617 859 8922, Text:617 859 8922,
email: biometricphotos@gmail.com
Matilde’s Photo & Framing, is a business dedicated almost exclusively to the creation of the perfect Biometric Passport Photo. At our studio we make sure we follow all the government requirements for all countries of the world: the size, color background, lighting, information on the back of the photo, date and stamp, etc.
We can provide you with either: the hard copies, the digital file or both.
We photograph everyone from the elderly, people with disabilities to newborn babies.
In addition to Passport Photos we can also provide you with Business Portraits, LinkedIn Headshots, Medical Residency (ERAS) Digital Files, etc.
An appointment is required, please make sure you call before you come to the Studio.